My weird "Primitive Space Woman" Necklace


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
My weird \"Primitive Space Woman\" Necklace

I didn't put this in the rag brag because well...don't think its much to brag about as its not a Ceil or a Haskell, but it sure is odd.

This is one of the first things I ever bought clothing or jewelry-wise from a vintage or antique shop. Why the heck would I have purchased this? Well..I will tell you. I bought it because it was absolutely perfect in my theater days to wear to be a retro future outer space queen of ____ insert the name of alien people who are identical to humans except for weird hair and lots of hardware. It was later going to be used for someone else to be a Klingon princess but that never transpired. I think it looked "outer space, but primitive people" and it looked like I could pretend signified a moon or a double sun or something.

I thought it was lost forever (oh darn) and then I found that it had been in a box at my parents house all along.

Back then, I thought it was 70s - the lady at the store I bought it from yon back in the day...I want to say 1993... had no clue what it was - just thought it was "weird".

Anyway, what exactly would you call this? I am just asking "for fun".
Cant see the clasp so I cant say how old it is. I could say 70's to current. But really cant tell without seeing clasp.

Fashionwise I wish it were bigger but it is the sort of style which is still popular.......
It's 70s.
Sandra, it's funny you should mention Deja Voodoo. They live in my town and buy from me. They have quite the reputation, good and bad, as total jewelry sharks. They have been nothing but nice to me, and spend well, but I often look on their site to see items at 5x the price. Good for them, their knowledge is formidable. They sell at shows all over the west, and on ebay as "elned." Huge volume.
I have purchased some of the best pieces in my personal collection from Ellen and Ned over the years at the Deco Show in SF. I know Ellen from Jewelcollect. They are both reputable and knowledgable and have great pieces.


Is the sinuous ropey part made of stacked together metal half-cups? I had a somewhat similar brass necklace in the 70s - it didn't have the front third consisting of the larger beads and medallion, just the small beads in back and the cupped brass pieces for the rest of it. I think I bought it new at an Indian imports type shop.
@linn @daisyfairbanks I think when you have dedicated a good portion of your life to collecting and researching, and once you have established a rep for knowing what you are talking about, it's very easy to command those prices. Plus it's all about the marketing. They are obviously appealing to the high end collectors or fashiony/artsy people of the world. I love their site.

They also specialize in jewelry. From what I have learned, a niche is the only way to go to establish yourself as an expert. They have done this well I think.
Hee Hee. Do you Twitter, Sandra? I notice you are referring people with the "@" - :) just thought that was cute that you were speaking Twitterese.

Yeah, I think that if you provide your customer with a low maintenance experience - you are positive on the date and have enough experience with jewelry and everything is in impeccable shape or restored prior to being sold - its worth paying more for the expertise on something if you don't know about it. You just buy and that's it - no researching or sprucing something up. But I know there is a difference between paying for expertise and total ripoffs... I agree...when you have a niche versus are totally eclectic it establishes you.
I totally agree about specializing - they do an amazing job and are like walking encyclopedias of jewelry knowledge. My only experience with them is as buyers and they can be a bit sneaky. But I am totally in awe of their stock. There are about 6 pieces on their site right now that they bought from me. I wish I'd had their knowledge and audience, but I'm ok with my place on the food chain. For now!