Name That Fur Game...PRIZES!!

Okay, so I got this really great old catalog and I was browsing through it.
There are some amazing furs in it.
After looking at the pictures and then reading what the furs were I was surprised because I though I was pretty darn good at identifying fur.
Made me think of all those "what kind of fur is this?" questions we get.
Now I am convinced that the only real way to tell is by taking it in to a furrier.
So this is just a little harm no foul but I would really like it if you clicked on this thread please just enter your guesses.
I will be sending a prize to the person who gets the most correct!!!!:yay:

I know the pictures are not the best, but hey, it's just a game.



Okie Dokie. I am probably the worst fur identifier so I will go for guessing!

A. Beaver
B. Muskrat
C. Mink
D. Sable
E. Raccoon
F. Fox
G. Raccoon
H. Mink
Here are my guesses. I'm sure I'm worse than Jus at id'ing fur so
please don't laugh! :)

A. mink
B. muskrat
C. sable
D. ermine
E. muskrat
F. wolf
G. Fox
H. Mink

:D sue
This should be good for a laugh -

A. Chinchilla
B. Muskrat
C. Sable
D. Mink
E. Fox
F. Raccoon
G. Fox again (not)
H. Sheared beaver


Thanks everyone so far. All good guesses...but...
I know I said I wasn't going to give any hints but it's my game so I changed my mind. Because of this, the people that have already guessed can try again if they want.

Hint #1:

So far only one fur has been correctly identified.

Hint #2
No minkies in the bunch

Hint #3
1941 Catalog

Keep those guesses coming.

I'll post the prize today

I am the most fur illerate of the bunch. mainly because i have never worn it save for faux inside my faux shearling suede coat : )

I am going to say that number (A) one is wool! (the scarf is probably fur though) hee hee.

And as for (G) . I WANT that hat!

as you were....
I gather from the hint that it is a 1941 catalogue that it would be safe to say they are all domestic American furs, no imports due to the war.
And now as promised here is are the prizes:


A nice little box purse, made in Italy
and some Ebay Live goodies...a yoyo, a really cool wind up retractable phone cord that is great for traveling with your laptop for dial up and an Ebay Live Pen.
And a pair of earrings!






You know you want this stuff.....

Oh, jonathon, Your deductive reasoning is great unfortunately your guesses-not so great. Still only one right(and it is not the same one)

Care to try again?
That does look like a little face on that one but I think that is just an illussion from the photo.

Well, I guess we have all figured out that trying to identify fur is more difficult than it may seem at first. That was my epiphany after looking through the catalog anyway.

So since nobody got more than one right (at a time, anyway) I will be entering everybodies name that did guess into a hat at about noon today and pick a winner that way.

So, there is still time to enter your guess for a chance to win.

More hints...
No fox
No squirrel
No Muskrat
No beaver
No seal
No ermine
No Bear
No Fetch (whatever that is)
No marmot
And the answers are......

Drumroll please......

C. Mink Dyed CONEY(rabbit)


D. Brown Mink Dyed CONEY
E. Black Skunk Dyed OPOSSUM
F. Lynx Dyed WOLF (several people got that one)
G. Blue Fox dyed VICUNA
H. Brown Jap (their word not mine) Weasel

Strange, huh?

I will be doing a raffle in a bit and will announce the winner tonight!

Thanks to everyone who played with me.

And the winner is........


Congrats Kat!

As I said, I put everyones' name in a 'mink' hat and drew Kat's name.

Since Jonathon actually got two correct and entered the most guesses I am going to also send him a consulation prize:)

Thanks again guys!!

That was a lot of fun Marie (not to mention eye-opener on some of the
various vintage furs!)

Thanks for posting this
