narrowing down date of Berkertex 'Amanuella' lurex stripe dress


I wanted to submit this to the label resource as several people have talked about the lack of Berkertex labels/info but I've seen several varierties I could add. These lurex shift dresses seem to appear in ranges depending on the style, this one being 'Amanuella' where all the versions I've seen have been very bright colours, striped and with woven with metallic thread. Which part of the 60's would you say this echoes? It's much brighter in reality, my camera just couldn't capture the colours, which are are grass green, turquoise and blue.

Hi Melanie, nice to see you adding to the label resource:cheer:

the label resource thread is here

Also, could you please resize these photos of the garment to no more than 500 x 500 pixels as this is a bit large for the forums.

For the labels, the photos should be smaller than that about 300 for the largest size.

Thank you again for sharing this with us, it is a fine example for our label resource!
Hi Mary I was going to submit a resized photo of the label to the resource thread after I had a early/mid/late 60's opinion on the dating here. This is just the size they come off my hosting site.
Gorgeous colors! For the sake of clarity, I am not seeing any Lurex in this dress. Perhaps it is more evident in a close up photo. It looks like a take off on a silk shantung or Alaskine weave. I am not at all familiar with the label. The trapeze shape leads me to think it may be a tad earlier, maybe 1966. What is the length from shoulder to hem?
I spotted the dress (or a very similar one) on this British Pathe film footage from 1968. I think the outfit was called 'Chic Chick'. Unfortunately they've misspelt the brand name on the website!
Many thanks for this Kirstin - I have seen several other dresses from this range since I started this thread and I would guess the dress featured in that catwalk was also from the amanuella range. I have some other Berkertex dresses too which evade dating so I must start watching these newly available Pathe films!
P.S. Berkertex has to be one of the number one mis-spelt brands I see - despite the fact it is still on the highstreet!

Gorgeous colors! For the sake of clarity, I am not seeing any Lurex in this dress. Perhaps it is more evident in a close up photo. It looks like a take off on a silk shantung or Alaskine weave. I am not at all familiar with the label. The trapeze shape leads me to think it may be a tad earlier, maybe 1966. What is the length from shoulder to hem?
Barbara I still have the dress (ashamed of how folded it was in those photos! I never got round to steaming it) so I will measure, steam and re-photograph.