Neatest vintage zipper I've ever seen!

I have a skirt with that style zipper at the waist. It is similar to the mexican circle skirts and in fact has a Mexican novelty print with pottery, sombreros, etc... but it is American made.

I have always thought it was the neatest zipper. It allows for a bit of adjustment as you can "lock" it down at any point once the slide part is in place. Probably allows for an inch or more play at the waist.
I've only had one skirt with that type of zip and it's was a late 50's maternity skirt so that you could let the waist out as your bump grew. It would make sense to put it on kids clothing though for growing kids. I know for Jake, although he's 8, I need to buy 10 year old size for the length BUT I always have to make the waist small but then let it out over the year when he grows. A zip like this would be easy.
