Need a date on a bedjacket


Registered Guest
The label on this bedjacket is unreadable. It looks like it was once a white tag with dark blue lettering. Did Vanity Fair ever have dark blue lettering? Anywho, anyone want to guess an age.


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It's not my area either - but for some reason I get more of a 50s feel from this - I think because of the elasticated sleeve-ens???
But do hang on until someone who KNOWS comes along! ;)
I am thinking 60s on this one. I think the 50s label is light blue.:)
Originally posted by Patentleathershoes
Did you check if its in the Lingerie Resource? it is lettering


Hey Chris! You want to share those drugs you were taking yesterday???


I think what Chris meant to say was, "Hmmm, gosh - can't help much from the looks of that label!"



(and in any case, I don't believe Vanity Fair had any labels with dark blue lettering, only light blue. Van Raalte... did they have dark blue?? Pauline... are you around??) I am thinking the same thing as Margaret. I am getting more 50s than 60s.

:kiss2: Maureen
I figured she was pondering a label that she was not showing, Ms. Smarty Pants. :hysterical:

I thought Vanity Fair used darker lettering more Nowsville but i could be really really wrong too. have not perused a lingerie underthing department like that in awhile. (no dept. stores around!)