Need help dating a knit sweater coat


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Hi Everyone,

I would love your help in dating this great sweater coat. It feels like a heavy cotton knit. No labels. Thanks!





From the images it looks like wool double knit. It may have a bit of polyester in it too. Can you find a tiny piece to do a burn test?

I don't tell everyone this trick. I put my tongue on an inside seam. If it is wool I can feel the wool fibers. If it is poly, it has an oily feel to the tongue. Then wipe the area with a wipie.

I'm just wondering - since it's fairly long if it could be from around 1958 rather than the 1960's. I think it might be a chemise coat dress. The sack dress and the chemise were quite the rage in about 1958 and this piece might be a coat dress rather than a sweater/coat.

Just a thought!
Hmmm, that's an interesting idea - a coat dress. I can see that. Thank you all for your input!
I'm seeing mostly 60s here, but it would help to know what the fiber is, as Marian indicates. I think the cuffs on the sleeves want to be turned up. Cardigan sweaters were big throughout a portion of the 60s, and I "think" this is a take-off on that. It could be a coat dress as well as a coat, but coat dresses were around in the 60s, too....
I had this exact sweater in pink - it came with a pair of matching knit pants. It had same decor at shoulders and collar. I remember it so well bc I wore the heck out of the sweater. I am wondering if you guys can help or explain how you are able to tell it is earlier rather than something more modern.
good point Maureen - my first feeling was '80s, and I'd like to see the buttons a bit closer as they don't look '60s to me.

If not '80s I'd agree with '60s.

Maureen, when did you have yours? Was it new or second hand?

I'm with Nicole...need to see a nice, close up shot of buttons. 80s to my eye. And that eyelet stitching around shoulder was used a lot then too, around late80s.
It was brand new in the early 90s - I know I had right before I got married in 1995. Come to think of it, I had a shorter version of this in a wine color too. They were great for work.
This just feels older than 80s to me. The fabric is really thick and it's not a knit I run across frequently. It has kind of a rough texture and is stiffer than more recent knits. Also, it smells older. None of that is conclusive, I know, but it just seems older to me. I will try to get a better picture of the buttons in natural light.