Need help dating a leather trench coat


Registered Guest
I've been doing a lot of digging on and off since I acquired the coat last year when my fiancé's great aunt passed and left me very old and expensive coats. There is one I'm having trouble with. I think the leather is cow, and the collar is ermine. (Unfortunately the collar has damage.) If possible I'd also like to know its worth and how I can store it to preserve it! Thanks in advance!

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Hi Amity and welcome to the forums. We can't help you value here (as per forum rules) but yes, it looks like cow leather and the collar might be rabbit fur but someone else can probably tell you more about the fur. It looks like it's mid '70s.

You can edit your images in the post by rotating them which will make it easier to see the coat.

As to care, I generally recommend to clean first (especially to make sure that there's no bugs in the fur) but you need a specialist cleaner for fur and leather. Then I would store in a cotton pillow case or if you wear it regularly, hang in the wardrobe.