Need help dating corset


Registered Guest
Hi! I'm brand new to the vintage fashion hobby--but so far it is exciting. Found an old corset and it looks to be in good shape (at least from my perspective) and I'm trying to date it. Here are two pictures, (hopefully I can figure out how to insert them).

\\Planning-filese\home\lawyer.jennifer\My_Documents\My Pictures\Corset pics 2.pdf

Anyway--if anyone can tell me anything about it I would appreciate it.

Thanks again!!
Revised post with pics

Hi! I'm brand new to the vintage fashion hobby--but so far it is exciting. Found an old corset and it looks to be in good shape (at least from my perspective) and I'm trying to date it. Here are some pictures. The tag says "American Beauty. Kalamazoo Corset Co. Makers. Style C 3"

Sorry the images are so poor--if they are too bad to tell I'll try again.






Anyway--if anyone can tell me anything about it I would appreciate it.

Thanks again!!
Hi and welcome :)

Like Hollis said, it's a teen's era corset. The style didn't really change much through the 1910's. The earliest it could be is 1911 but this style was made right through the 1910's even into the very early 20's for women who didn't want to wear the new fangled shorter corsets the young 'uns were wearing! :)

Looks to be made from cotton coutil and the boning will be made from spring steel.
