need help dating fabric - Belgian linen

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Chatter - Anything and everything' started by tenaya1, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. tenaya1

    tenaya1 Registered Guest

    I purchased some belgian linen fabric for resale and am wondering how old it is. There is no manufacturer name on the selvedge, but it does say "vat colored screen print". I have never seen that phrase on modern fabrics, so is it safe to assume that the fabric is at least 20-30 years old?

    1.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg

  2. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  3. tenaya1

    tenaya1 Registered Guest

    It is 47" wide not counting the selvedge.
  4. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

    The fabric width I believe is good for 1960s and newer. My best guess, based on the style and colors, is 1970s or 80s. It looks like a decorating fabric to me.
    The Vintage Vendeuse likes this.
  5. tenaya1

    tenaya1 Registered Guest

    Thank you so much! It is indeed thick enough to be used for decorating.
    denisebrain likes this.

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