Need Help Dating This Pattern!


I would appreciate any help with dating this pattern. The pattern is for a "Ladies Morning Frock". All pieces are present, but I can find no date. Any guesses?? Thank you so much!
I also thought twenties or just possibly early 30s, but I'm sure Barbara is right in her more precise dating.

That is very early for a printed pattern by the way. The earliest I've seen. In my experience they aren't common even in 40s, and don't become the norm until the 50s or 60s.

Probably the USA was ahead of the UK on this, especially around ww2. I've had a 40s pattern which stated they had reverted to unprinted patterns because of the war.
That's a great one, Janine @Distantdetails !
The Vintage Pattern Wiki is a good resource for looking up vintage patterns, by the way. Incorrect dating can happen, and your particular pattern isn't on it, but it is a huge and good resource. Sometimes someone has a copyright or catalog publication date for a pattern, which helps with actual dating.
According to the book on vintage sewing patterns that I have, McCall's started with printed patterns in 1919.