need help dating this Tori Richards dress

The Vintage Merchant

Staff member
we just picked up this cute Tori Richards sheath dress, and was thinking 80s because of the print, but just checked our (vfg) label source, and it says this tag is 60s??





it IS a sheath dress, which were super popular in the 60s, nice bound finish armseyes with frog detailing at the shoulders, but i thought this sort of print was more indicative of the 80s?


anyone have any ideas???
That gold part of the print really does look very 80s, so I can see why you were thrown off.... But the colorway and the style look, oh, so 60s! That green & blue combination seemed omnipresent in the 60s--to this day I remember a pair of green and blue color-blocked shoes I had in the mid to late 60s that I absolutely loved! The shades were SO similar to your dress. I think I even remember making a paisley skirt and vest outfit to go with them.

I, too, love that shoulder treatment!
well, cool! and thanks, girls!

my bad on the dating, but i'm oh so happy i was off!

now it'll go on Ruby Lane instead of etsy ~

ok, MS, i'll add the label to the label thread, then.

Thanks again all!! :bouncy: