need help deciphering a label


Registered Guest
I cannot decide what this label says. The first letter looks like a W to me or an H, niether of which make much sense. Is anyone familiar with this label? Here are some pics of the coat and dress. Thank you.



it's not exactly the same, but could be associated somehow maybe...

there's another Wein's in PA, but no photo. Wein's would be a German name. maybe Austrian heritage, maybe Karin will know.
Very interesting! I have sent them an email with pictures to see if they are the same company.
i love this set! it's very, very smart. love the natural linen (i assume linen) with the bright punch of hot pink satin and green piping.

looks to be a store label. could be wein's, but i think hein's. all i could find was a comment in a worthpoint article (comment #7) by someone who'd found a coat with the same label. they thought it said hein's, but that doesn't mean they're right.
The reason I think it is wein's is that the first curve of the w matches the loops joining the other letters, if it were H I would expect exactly the same shape at the bottom as the 'n' going straight up after the first stroke.

Could you perhaps add a photo of the label shown straighter, more face on to the camera?
I think it's Hein's. If the first letter were a W, I would expect a different connector between that and the e - a short horizontal stroke, so the W finishes before it runs into the e. There aren't enough strokes for it to be a W, I think. Also comparing the first letter and the n - the way it connects to the next letter is similar, which it would be between an h and n, but not between a w and n, because of the upward last stroke on the w. Also the very tall first stroke makes sense for a lower case h, but not really for a w, even a stylised one.

There is an ebay thread here showing the same label for deciphering, most see Hein's and it being a store label:

Here is an article referring to a Hein's department store in Waukegan, Illinois, it began in the early 20th century according to a downloadable doc on the same site

and here Hein's Waukegan is listed in Life 1953 and here in Harpers Bazaar 1967

I've found a few other references to the department store, including one calling it "the elite fashion store in Waukegan", but nothing useful like an ad though, so we could compare the typefaces. But my opinion, FWIW, on the typography, backed up by the existence of store of that name in a similar time period, is now is firmly Hein's.

wow, great sleuthing, ruth!

yes, that's why i thought it said hein's too. to be a W, it'd need another upstroke at the end of the letter.
lynne, you're the best! glad to have this one put to rest.

i want to go to that sale!! think it's still in progress? :lol:
I'm so thankful to have stumbled on this thread, as I've been trying to sort out the same label! Mine is one this pair of (I think 50's) Dalsini lucite heels! :) Great resource!


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