Need help describing BODICE on this 40's Dress

Need help describing BODICE on this 40\'s Dress

How would you describe the collar and the cuffs on this 40's rayon dress?
I am seriously at a loss for words and all I can come up with is portrait.
TIA, ~Tori

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Hi Tori!

Great dress! I would call it a keyhole neckline with velvet wing collar.

The cuffs look like turnback french cuffs.

Hey Sue! Wing Collar and French Cuffs! YES! Great, but I messed up, other than keyhole I don't know what to call the detailed neckline on the BODICE! Stupid me....duh....What would you call that? It reminds me of a portrait collar....

I was going to say turnback (from my sewing book) but cannot tell whether they are or just sewn on.
Linda, you lost me, the cuffs are black velvet that is sewn onto the edge of the sleeve then turned back so I guess they would be called turnback?

OT: I am feeling SOOOOO much better other than missing Danny who has been in upstate NY since thursday working on that old building we bought, he won't be back until this thursday...I couldn't go because of my surgery so boohoooooooo NO FAIR. We plan on driving up next month for a couple of weeks to do more work...and I get to shop until I drop.
Anyway having that old gallbladder removed was the best thing!

Hugz to all....~TORI