Need help identifying Lord and Taylor/ Macurl slacks


Registered Guest
I recently purchased a pair of Lord and Taylor slacks. I think they're ski pants, due to the Macurl tag inside, but they don't look like any pair I've been able to compare to.

The Label resource puts the Lord and Taylor label in the 1960's. The Macurl label doesn't show up there under Macurl or under novelty labels. (also, how does one submit a novelty label for that list?)

Are these men's or women's even?

It has:
A 24" waist
Huge (proportionally) hips (40" at 7" below the waist
14" from waist to inseam
27" Inseam
Metal left side zipper,
External suspender buttons,
Zipper-pockets on the front, with awesome dangly metal pulls (I guess for opening with gloves on?)
Adjustable straps on the back to tuck the upper-butt area in even tinier (I'd love to know the term for those)
Elastic stirrups at the split cuffs
Feels like very dense wool twill. Not super-heavy, but the tiniest bit scratchy.

I'll attach the photos that I have now. Have to take the Macurl photo when my camera comes back home tonight. It shows a man and woman in skis on a mountain, him pointing off into the distance with his ski pole.
photo 2

It doesn't seem to be letting me attach photos to the replies? Hrm.. Sorry, this is my first post. Let me check the FAQ and try again.
If the photo is too large it won't post as an attachment from your computer. If you want to post it from an image host like photbucket or imageevent follow the prompt from the icon that looks like a mountain. Click back on your original post - click edit post and then insert the image by clicking on the mountain, etc.
here is where you would post the novelty label

Novelty Labels in honor of M.C. Lamb

Did you purchase these from a vintage store or from a garage or estate sale?

The reason I am asking is that the store label and the Macurl label seem to be from totally different eras. I think the store label may have been added.

Your ski pants look to be from the 40s or early 50s.

Your waist measurement was taken from the very top of the pants? Because the true waist on these might be right above the seam line as they may have a higher waist, so the waist may be a little larger than 24". I see they have buttons which would accommodate suspenders. I have had vintage ski pants and a couple of suits in the past for ladies, I don't remember them having the buttons for suspenders.

Our member Lizzie has a great blog and collects a lot of sports clothing. If you haven't seen it, you should have a look.

The Vintage Traveler
Mary Jane,
I got these at an estate sale, but the L&T tag does look less-well-attached than the other. Almost basted into place. When listing it, would the thing to do be remove the L&T and disregard? Or just note that it's probably not right?

Should I note the "seam line" waist and the "top of the pants" waist both?

Suspenders on lady's pants did seem weird. We have hips for that. But the massive hips on the pants made me think of a girly shape.

I'll check out Lizzie's blog.

Thanks so much for the resources and advice.

Thanks for the help. You'd think I'd be of the age where people still knew how to read cursive. :) Having the right name will definitely help my research.

I'd say these are from the 40s based on the gabardine fabric and the bell shaped zipper pull. The Lord & Taylor label looks right to me. It would have been added by the store before hitting the sales floor so the fact that the stitching is not the same is correct. I've seen this font from L&T on clothes from this era.
Thank you all so much! I still have no idea how to price this, but feel much happier and more knowledgeable. Not that we get a lot of ski-wear in Dallas, but I'll remember this if I ever come across another pair.
