Need help identifying nurse outfit...


VFG Member
I received this nurse’s uniform for the Fashion History Museum collection yesterday. It is complete but for the collar, shoes, and stockings. The original wearer had been a nurse during both world wars (born about 1898) and immigrated to Canada in 1954 with her children (I think her husband died during the war). Her daughter (born 1933) died last year and so the granddaughter gave this to the museum when she found it while cleaning up the estate to sell the house. Although she knew her grandmother had been a nurse during both wars she didn’t know where. What I thought was particularly unusual about this uniform was the angled red cross on the apron and veil. I have never seen that before and I have spent most of the morning trying to find reference to it online, with no success. Anybody know anything about this or have a suggestion for someone to speak with who might know about this uniform?
The complete uniform (missing collar)
Close-up of the veil with embroidered insignia
CC41 label inside apron
CC41 label inside uniform
I will have to double check my references but the white apron dates from 1947-52 because of the X before the number ( a 'super' utilty which was only added late in the system) The numbers after refer to the material used.

For comparison, I have a 1944 nurse's dress and it has a stamped CC41 mark, crow's foot and other details on the inside of the front plaquet. It has a Z front opening. Generally the more substantial the CC41 labelling the later it is. (those combined with a brand label are among the latest)

I think I have some nurse shoes if you want to complete it.
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You're right Melanie - it is postwar. They send photos first and I thought it must be a WWI nursing outfit because it seemed too long for WWII, but if it was from the late 40s that would make sense.
Any explanation why she brought it all the way to Canada? She might well have still been a nurse at that point, but this could only have been used in the UK. Just sentimentality?
I think it was just sentimental. Her granddaughter said it was the only thing they had that predated their arrival in Canada. All the other clothing dated from the mid 50s to the early 70s.
That's why it took me so long to find any information about it because I assumed it was a red cross on its side, or angled... I only found what it was when I took a stab at the cypher on the veil. I figured the St. was for Saint, and that one of the A's was for ambulance and the C for Corps... The Andrews filled in itself when I did the search and there was the image of the angled red cross!
Jonathan, would you have any interest in a Doctors surgical gown to go with this?

It's pristine, never worn.... heavy cotton duck like fabric (sort of that dull yellow white speckled tan color), big full sleeves, knit cuffs, "very" heavy duty sewing tacks (X's & squares) over stress points, numbers stamped in ink, ties in back, and a wider tie that starts in the back and ties in front, long floor length.

Not sure of age.... but the staff told me it was with (it pains me and makes me wince just typing this) little child size straight jackets.
That has to have been some time ago.

Closest I could find in a google search.
This one has a gathered yoke across the upper part of the chest and a pocket (I've shown about where in the red).
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I'll take it for the museum. Some day there will be an exhibit done on medical fashion....

I wondered about that..... I'll be out that way today and will pick it up.
It's definitely older.... it caught my eye at first because I thought it was an avant-garde Japanese item a la an Issey Miyake wind coat. Seeing spurts of Japanese and 80s designer stuff lately.