Need Help Identifying This Beautiful Dress!


Registered Guest
I love this dress - I want to keep it! Shoulders and pocket are trimmed in crochet. The label says Young Society but I have never come across this..nor can I find anything on the internet. 70s? Thanks ladies! :singing:


I had a Young Society dress once. It's definately 1970's with machine made lace. Most likely synthetic. I believe they are a lower-end brand name from that era, but that's just a guess.
It's adorable. Looks like they were positioning themselves with Young Edwardian, Candi of California, Jody (sp?) and others of that era
thank you everyone. im tempted to keep this one. then again, im tempted to keep almost everything..haha..
I wonder if it is from ARPEJA, the company that did the Young Edwardian, Young Victorian, Young Innocent lines?