Need Help In Identifying Label

Kathy Ann

Registered Guest
I need help in identifying the label on the inside of this beaded red pillbox hat. I've been asked what it is, but beyond the words "Special Quality No 1," which is on the foil label in the center of the lining, I can't identify the label that is embossed on the inside brim of the hat.

Anyone have any ideas? I've exhausted myself going through the label a to z portion of the site.

Many thanks!

Kathy Ann


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I played around with the logo a little (pretty sure I didn't make it any clearer!) and it appears to me to say "Bass" along with what looks like a sort of mermaidy woman with long flowing hair. I *think* the three letters by her hand/fingers are IGW (International Garment Workers?). I only did a cursory look for a millinery Bass logo and, as you can imagine, I got primarily the Bass-moccasins company.
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You that I look at the small image I posted, it almost looks like it says "H i g h" in front of the woman -- with a very BIG "H."

Also, as I have observed over the years, the logo stamped on the felt may be for the maker of the felt, not the hat designer.
So...maybe not Bass anything then? What about the foil sticker that is on the inside of the hat? It says "Special Quality No. 1" That's not a brand, is it? I'll look up the "H i g h" as well. I feel like I'm digging for treasure!!!

Kathy Ann
Are these helpful? They are all I have without going across town to take more photos.


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