Need Help On Fabric.


VFG Member
VFG Past President
I am just about to list this 60s Adele Simpson, Harzfeld's suit on Ebay. I am calling the fabric wool and pinstripe. Then I got to thinking.. is it also tweed?? What do you think??<br><br>

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I agree with Harriet about the tiny herringbone pattern, though it's not as defined as what one typically thinks of in a herringbone tweed--check out the swatches on this site: (type "herringbone tweed" into the search bar, and it comes up with swatches in different colors). I have had coats with very similar weaves, and have sold them as tweeds or herringbone tweeds. I don't know if "tweed" is as popular as it has been over the last two winters, but if so, that'll get hits on this suit!