Need help with 50s couture dress


What I really need is to pin down a date for this Jacques Griffe Dress. I'm not even 100% sure that I have the dress on the form correctly! The little straps are slightly stretchy and have a hook and eye on the ends, so I'm assuming they go around the neck. Otherwise, I'm not sure how the dress would stay up!

The big collar has those little metal stay in the back, so again I'm assuming that the collar stands up as I have it pictured.

The skirt is a very interesting cut. That effect is all one piece, and the peplum look is achieved through draping.

And the back has 2 zippers; one goes up from the waist, and the other goes down into the skirt.

The skirt has been shortend, about 1 1/2:

Quick and crappy pictures, but I hope you get the idea. My best guess is 1951-2ish. Thanks!!

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i don't want to sound like a total dork here, but we had a gorgeous dress in our boutique (years ago) with a similar collar, and a band similar to the one that you have around the neck, which we found out was actually (on ours anyway) a method to keep the dress on a hanger as the neckline was so broad...

this is GORGEOUS, and i'm wondering, does it sit (nicely) off-shoulder if its snugged down a bit??? that front draping reminds me of early 50's or v e r y late 40's perhaps...
Ooooooh! :love008:

I like Mary's idea, wondering if the dress could hug the shoulders. Send it here and I'll try! :horny:
Maggie, I'd like nothing better than to have you model MY dress!

Okay, I've reshot the photos, and took Mary's advice into consideration. Under the collar, you can see that there are little sleeves, and a definite shoulder line, so I took that into consideration. Also, I pulled the straps behind the back and fastened them, and it actually helped the dress stay put on the shoulders. The collar then sort of fell into place. Look better?

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Griffe actually opened in 1946, but until 1950 his operation was quite small, with about only 60 numbers per year. It is possible, though.
l think it smacks of late 40's too! l shall do some peeking in my books for that collar and shape..its like a reverse tulip skirt.. l ove it is it a small size?
I like the way the lines of the collar repeat the angles of the hip treatment in your more recent images...although if I recall the first, I liked them too, it called for diamonds, a long ciggy holder and long gloves.