need help with identifying this fur


Registered Guest

I just bought this fur pillow a couple of weeks ago. I cannot date it, but most importnatly, I cannot seem to identify its fur. I looked into the fur resource guide but I'm still not confident as to what fur it may be.
The surface fur makes me think rabbit, but when I peel back the fur, you see a grey at its base.
Think anyone can identify and perhaps even date?

Thanks a million.


I have no idea of age...but rabbit looks right to me.
I am far from an expert on fur though.

Would guess 60s or 70s?

Funny that Melody called it a hat....and you say it is a pillow!!

I also thought it looked like a hat, that someone had made into a pillow.

I cannot help with the fur ID, looks like rabbit but the grey is not typical of rabbit (or is it?) but perhaps it is dyed squirrel?

Hi there, It does look like rabbit fur but positive identification cannot be determined from photos regarding this pillow because the fur was unevenly sheared causing conflicting appearance in textures. The natural color was also stripped and dyed unevenly which is why the base looks grey. The color has also lifted in some areas.

It is a cute little pillow and it looks soft.