need help with this fur


Registered Guest
I'm trying to find out what kind of fur this is -- VCA board said seal, but I'm nervous about going too far with it on ebay, for fear of the fur people. LOL

Does anyone recognize it, and is it legal to sell? I'm presuming that, because of the damage (separations at seams in shoulders, small, but several spots) it won't be worth it to list anyway, and am planning to return it, unless someone says it's worth it to keep and put on my website (and legal).

I know that it's from a very high quality furrier in Copenhagen, who supplies furs for Saks, Macy's and more, so I hate to just discard it if it's worth selling -- but I don't particularly like fur anyway, and know even less about it.

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It looks like seal to me and there was a post earlier in the year where someone said seal is illegal to sell on ebay. You may want to check the ebay site.

Nice coat!
Thanks, Deborah. I've been researching, and get conflicting answers -- that's why I'm hoping there's a fur expert here. I need to know if it is indeed illegal.

It really is beautiful, but the seal factor rather creeps me out, so I don't want to hang onto it any longer than I have to. LOL

I found the thread and this was a response from cosmiccowgirl on a fur that I thought had a seal collar (but in the end it wasn't seal - oh I've learned so much here!!!):

"I don't know much about furs at all, so I really can't be much help. However, if the trim on #2 is indeed seal, you can't sell it on ebay as it's on their prohibited items list."

So perhaps you could go to ebay and search "prohibited items".
It's seal, and you can't sell it on EBay. Here is their policy page. If you open up the "Some Examples" link and scroll down to the Marine Mammals Products section, it says:

Marine mammal products, including but not limited to polar bear, sea otter, whales (baleen and ivory), porpoise, dolphins, and seals, generally may not be listed for sale unless the animal part has been first transformed into an authentic Alaskan Native article of handicraft or clothing.
Thanks! I don't think I've made myself clear here, however. I know it's not legal to sell on ebay, but is it legal to sell on my website? If it is indeed illegal to sell at all, then it's history, but I might put it on my website IF I know it's not illegal.

Cause ebay is weird about their selling policies -- as in, you can't sell teacher's manuals of textbooks now. I sold a $50 teacher's manual for a HOMESCHOOL program which requires the manual in order to teach it -- it sold for $9.99, and would have gone for over $50, before they changed their selling policy.

That's one reason why I never know whether it's illegal to sell something on ebay, or illegal to sell it, period.

I would recommend this site:

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

It's a good idea to bookmark this site. I was introduced to it by a carver friend of mine who works in natural ivories and other materials of the like. If you'd like to see his site you can see how he documents his materials:

Hope this helps!

Actually, probably not.

It would only be legal if you prohibited anyone buying it except from countries where it was allowed. And then it might not even be safe because the item would be crossing international lines (not to mention state).

it sometimes is legal, if you have the sales receipts or insurance assessment to prove it is very old, to sell it privately within your state (but don't quote me on that).

If it were me i would see if someone if it had any historical merit to donate to a museum of some sort, keep in the family, or donate to the audobon society. They accept donated furs of endangered animals (or any kind almost) to help with their wildlife rehabilitation and nursing abandoned/injured infants of those species back to health /thriving.
I am not a fur expert but seal I know. Its Spotted seal which is not illegal to sell but eBay lumps all seal together as non-saleable. Harp and Ringed seal is endangered but Spotted seal is not on the endangered list. Spotted seal is, in fact, still hunted in order to balance the population of seals in the north and preserve the cod stocks. Spotted seal is more commonly found in the eastern arctic, which explains why it has a Danish maker's label as Denmark hunts seal around Greenland. Harp and Ringed seal is more common in the Western Arctic and their populations were decimated in the 19th and early 20th centuries around Alaska.