Need stocking help pls.

I just listed several pair of seamed and unseamed stockings.

I don't have much experience with this particular item and have been adding to and amending my descriptions based on the questions I am receiving.

I figured the listed size told the story, but obviously length is needed.

What other "must have" basics should I include in my listings?

I think you're doing fine: I would include seam/seamless, fully fashioned (if applicable), size and denier - so that's my only suggestion really, to include denier in the heading as that's what I look for (the smaller the denier, the more popular, I find - although personally I only wear opaques).

I would only list information that's on the box, so wouldn't worry about length - it varies depending on stretch anyway, and that's hard to qualify. I just figure that if the size is good, they will fit - and if necessary you can adjust the straps on your suspender belt. It's never been a problem for me - if the lady is tall (with slim legs) she should use a L or XL.

Thanks Nicole,

The gauge and denier were popular questions, but quite a few of the stockings I have do not list that info. I then am trying to describe how sheer and the "feel" of the knit~
I'd think about putting the colour in the auction title, if it's a popular/unusual shade like black or dark chocolate.

With seamed stockings buyers will also want to know if it's a point heel or a cuban heel. Yours look cuban from the photo (those are fabulous by the way!).

I had a batch of stockings that kept me going on ebay for a while; found the most important thing was to make it a private auction, which you have done.
