Neiman Marcus Vicuna wool coat?

Emma Parkes

Registered Guest
Hi there! I found this 1960’s Neiman Marcus vicuña wool coat and had never heard of vicuña wool. So I googled it and was flabbergasted how expensive it is? It has a union label but no other labels as I’ve seen others have. I was wondering if anyone is knowledgeable about vicuña wool or can point me in the right direction to find out if it’s worth anything? Thanks.
This is a rare and highly desirable animal fiber. The vicuña is the high Alpine Andean cousin of the llama. It can not be domesticated. Incas only allowed royalty to wear clothing made from its fiber, which is very soft and warm. The vicuña has slow growing wool and for most of human/vicuña history, the animal was killed for its hair. Now apparently it is captured, the fiber is gathered, and the animal is released. It is doing better in numbers.
View attachment 169219 View attachment 169218 Hi there! I found this 1960’s Neiman Marcus vicuña wool coat and had never heard of vicuña wool. So I googled it and was flabbergasted how expensive it is? It has a union label but no other labels as I’ve seen others have. I was wondering if anyone is knowledgeable about vicuña wool or can point me in the right direction to find out if it’s worth anything? Thanks.

Nice find! I am of no help, but I too found a Vicuna coat a few years back, but had no idea what Vicuna was, so I walked away from it. Needless to say, I was kicking myself for quite some time when I eventually learned of its value.