New and need help please!


Registered Guest

I was told this is a great place to go to talk about vintage clothes and get help too, so here I am! I hope I am doing this right! :duh:

I have some hats that I know nothing about. If some of you could take a look at the page linked ( I hope ) below, I would very much appreciate it!

The piece with the feathers has some damage to it. Is it still worth listing on ebay? There is cotton or something under the feathers, and this is showing as some of the feathers are loose and coming up.

What would be important keywords to use for my auctions? Dates, fair starting prices? Im sorry to be so much trouble!

Thank you so much, and I will come back to check periodically.

Have a great night everyone!

Hi and welcome!

That is really nice that someone mentioned this place to you. I learn something new everyday here myself.

There are people who are bigger hat experts than I, and they should be around in the next day or too. I am waiting for all the pics to load and will tell you what i can. Sometimes with keywords and pricing, there is no magic formula. Some is trial and error, and sometimes it depends on the phase of the moon and direction of the wind LOL, but with dates and factual stuff, I am sure you will get some good help, and then be able to recognize and date others in the future

I look at a couple things with hats: condition, does it have modern appeal (a crossover to todays trends), rarity, or appeal to re-enactors. I don't sell a lot of hats. A lot of veiled hats I have lotted for those reasons unless they are spectacular. Veils are not difficult to replace in most cases if torn, and depending on the hat, it might behoove you to repair before selling, and on some it won't matter as much if it is not the type that is being worn right now or sought by re-enactors.

I do think that the first one i would try marketing for a summer bride. Ditto for the second to last. You may have to find a picture from a bridal magazine to illustrate how it may look (doesn't have to be an exact hat). When i got married last year, they showed the traditional look but i think they did show a couple brides with the veiled pieces like that and i will try to dig it out and see if i am remembering correctly. Some people just can't visualize and it may help. It wouldn't be with the big crinoline skirt, i don't think, but something sleeker. even also a white suit for a non traditional bride. or something long and lean. If it doesn't sell for that, you can always lot them later.

The second one reminds me of Maid Marian. :)

We had a conversation about that a pheasant feather on the last one? i don't remember what was said on them being difficult to replace or if folks should bother... i would wait to see what others say if it is worth it just to sell as is..

Lora, :clapping::clapping::clapping:

glad you decided to take the plunge!!!

There are a lot of very knowledgeable peeps here!

No ?? has ever gone 'unanswered'.
Welcome Lora! In my experience with hats I find I do much better with hats of this type when I list them in one lot. Hats that are more dramatic or unusual or from an earlier time frame I list alone.

This group of hats (except for the last one) I am going to guess are from the late 50's or early 60's, the feather one I think is earlier, possibly 40's. Unfortunatley I am not an expert but someone will be along soon to correct me if I am wrong.

Sorry I could not be of more help.
Hi, Lora:hiya:, glad to see you made it to our Board. Feel free to post anytime.

I agree with Queenie that the hats are 50s, 60s with the last one being 40s. I would lot them, except for the last one, I would list alone. Somebody might want to start a hat collection or buy for resale.

Just wanted to say that your pictures are excellent and I like your website, too!
Hi Lora, and welcome.

Another vote here for putting the hats up in one or two lots. I also agree with the dates that the others have given.

Good luck with these.

Wow, thank you so much for the help! I will put them into one group, except the feather one.

Im so excited today because I bought an old stereo at a garage sale this morning! Its a 70's cabinet type with turntable, 8 track player and cassette player, in excellent condition for $10. John Denver here I come! :clapping: lol

Spent way too much money on myself this morning, but came home with 20-30 vintage nightgowns and other lingerie too, so thats good. Too bad its so hot already, as I still had several sales on my list that I didnt get to. :(

Thanks again for the help! I will come by now and then for some chatting and researching.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Oh, I forgot to say thank you for the compliment on my pictures and website! I am working on getting good pictures for clothes, but am not there yet. I have bought a manniquin, backdrop cloths and some special lights, but I havent learned the right settings on my camera yet. I get too frustrated and give up before I get there.
I was just scheduling a photo workshop that will be presented by one of the trade members. I will let everyone know when a date is set for that. It will be this summer.

Sometimes it helps for trial and error, to take a photo of the same thing on the various flash settings, etc, and then you can figure out what works best for each situation as well. I also rely heavy on going outside and using the sun.
I would be interested in a photo workshop. I am working at rearanging my house so that I can use a smaller room for the pictures too. I think the room Im in now is too big for the lights that I have. Taking them outside isnt an option for me, as the sun and heat make me very sick. One hour out in the heat can keep me in the house totally for the next week. Part of the problem might be my camera. Its a cheap one. I have been pleased with pictures I take of things close up though.

:still grooving away to the oldies on her new 70's stereo: :headbang: