New Article to SHARE with Y'all


VFG Member
That's pretty awesome. I mean upon first glance I thought I don't really want people sending me offers. I just want them to buy BUT I do want them to do just that so rather than for them to pass my item by because it's too much for them I would like them to ask if I can take a little less. I may or may not be able to but if I am it's a sale for me and purchase for them.
I do also price my items a little higher at first to allow some leeway in case someone does make an offer.
Nicely written. :)
Hi Caryn!! You are so supportive and wonderful. Always.

I, too, would rather people not, as my dad calls it, "nickel dick." BUT it seems to be how the world works. The readers at that magazine aren't hugely vintage conscious but curious about vintage and the vintage look so I was asked to write articles for them about it so they WOULD feel more comfortable shopping for vintage. As a writer, I like to open up the discussion. As a seller, I would like shoppers to feel more comfortable asking but much more politely than I have sometimes experienced... and maybe if a shopper knows why the price, they'd be a little better about asking.

Anyway, that's what I was thinking when working on the article.

: ))
thanks for sharing, Cin! as you say, being respectful is key to the negotiation process. well done!
And you can always say no. I try really hard to let it roll off my back and I really think it's easier when approached courteously. A lot of shoppers do not know what goes into this. A lot of shoppers are uncomfortable asking. I hope an article such as mine helps both sides we get more sales, they get great vintage.
Yes, I do agree, Cin, one does need to reply politely...and I will add in what I can do but I don't think I've ever made the sale with the "deep" discount askers.
If I'm going to give such a deep discount, it'll be at one of my semi annual sales (so I draw a lot of traffic to my shop) OR to donate for tax deduction to one of my beloved charities. The "give me 80% off" demands are not the best energy for me... I like puppies and sunshine. lol