As of mid-December, VFG Shop has changed our format to a General one. What will this mean for Buyer-Members?
Most listings will look more like Discussion posts. Title, price, and seller location may not appear in their own separate bracket – look in the body of the listing. Sellers will still try to make important stuff easy to find.
You may not see a clickable button for “Contact Seller”. You will still be able to send a DM (Direct Message) to the seller, and if you are a Buyer-Member, will be able to add a comment to the listing.
The Search function within the shop will work better, and pull up more listings for you if they fit your Search terms – even older ones that you might not find easily on your own. You will also be able to Search for Sold listings.
You shouldn’t see as many random Marketplace suggestions – in fact, we’re hoping you won’t see any.
Why have we made this change? Facebook changed the structure and look of their Groups in a way that made our original Buy & Sell format more difficult for Buyer-Members to use. We believe using the General format will provide a better experience for both Buyers and Sellers. If you have ever visited one of the Ooh La La groups on Facebook, then you have seen a General group that is used for buying and selling.
Most listings will look more like Discussion posts. Title, price, and seller location may not appear in their own separate bracket – look in the body of the listing. Sellers will still try to make important stuff easy to find.
You may not see a clickable button for “Contact Seller”. You will still be able to send a DM (Direct Message) to the seller, and if you are a Buyer-Member, will be able to add a comment to the listing.
The Search function within the shop will work better, and pull up more listings for you if they fit your Search terms – even older ones that you might not find easily on your own. You will also be able to Search for Sold listings.
You shouldn’t see as many random Marketplace suggestions – in fact, we’re hoping you won’t see any.
Why have we made this change? Facebook changed the structure and look of their Groups in a way that made our original Buy & Sell format more difficult for Buyer-Members to use. We believe using the General format will provide a better experience for both Buyers and Sellers. If you have ever visited one of the Ooh La La groups on Facebook, then you have seen a General group that is used for buying and selling.