New on VintageGent's Menswear Daily


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VFG Past President
New on VintageGent\'s Menswear Daily

I am getting back in the swing with my blog.

The latest topics are cufflinks, fur, and the Freewill Fashion show.

I'll get into more involved writing soon!

(and if you have a fashion or retro blog that I have missed in my links section - let me know - I'll trade with you)

yesterday i threw out the subject of clothing and talked about a silly topic that I have been thinking about for some time (warning, its definitely silly/stupid)
Love the jack thing! In my son's class there are a few of them (so UK statistics are correct!) and they have to be called by their full name by the teachers to save confusion. It's funny as the kids to it too, and they sound terribly formal.

I must get back to my blog this weekend...
