new rules to come on ebay.....

Very interesting article! Personally, I think most sellers are completely aware of what they're selling. They must know that a genuine 'designer' bag is usually only available from specialist outlets and not something that can be bought from a factory somewhere in China or wherever. These sellers, like everyone else, have access to an absolute wealth of information on the world wide web about how to spot a fake this or a fake that. For example, Chanel never make bags made from lambskin leather because the quality isn't good enough. However, the number of people selling lambskin Chanel bags on eBay is simply unbelieveable :duh2: They also do a very flowery description and the obvious lies they tell are really entertaining, if nothing else! They can even get hold of fake receipts - they're very good at it. Even making the price super expensive so people think it's the real deal :fainting: These folk are professional criminals and eBay has allowed it to go on despite having access to all the fake info mentioned above. What's their indexing system for?

I've reported hundreds of fake Fendi and Chanel bags over the years because I know what a fake looks like and know what a fake tag looks like. If I know, how come eBay don't. They're FOREVER going on about their indexing system and how it's there to spot fake goods etc but I always believed they were more interested in getting their listing fees paid rather than bothering about counterfeit copies.

Yet another negative eBay story. When is it going to end :eyebrow2:
jonathan also posted a related link on this today, more discussion there.