New way to shop at denisebrain!


Staff member
VFG Past President
Please check out the new denisebrain store! Go to my new homepage at and click on "store" to shop for some great vintage!

A few choices right now:

<p style="visibility:visible;"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="320" width="426" style="width:426px;height:320px"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="scale" value="noscale" /><param name="salign" value="l" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="flashvars" value="cy=ms&il=1&channel=72057594050378054&"/></object><p style="white-space:nowrap"> </p></p>
Thank you Linda and Mary, I'm so glad you like! Yeah, there was just a little work involved...:P
Wow, Maggie!

I LOVE the look of this!

My only critique is that the options at the bottom of the main page (Shop, etsy, etc) I couldn't see - they were showing up white on the pale pink background.
Also -- I LOVE the way you have the photo format - but I would suggest the "more information" link be a bit bigger/more intuitive because I kept trying to click on the big ARROW to find out more on the item it seemed to be pointing at LOL~

Anyway -- just some hopefully helpful tips! :USETHUMBUP:

LOVE LOVE LOVE the feel of the site & the happy daisies!
Thank you Kristine, I appreciate your comments. Do you have a Mac or a PC? I couldn't find a computer (at a computer lab) where I couldn't read the white on pink, although I acknowledge it isn't super obvious to read.

The arrow is part of the program we used and I don't know if my husband and I can fix it. To add to your comment, I would like to be able to click on the photo itself to see details. My more tech-savvy husband thinks this can't be done.

This is meant to be a temporary site while we work on something with more options in the format. For now, it will just have about 2 dozen items for sale and hopefully no one will be hopelessly confused!
Oh -- i think it's all stuff taht people will figure out.

My only suggestions is that maybe the white on pink would be more visible if you used a bold font? Same with the "Click for more details" - that might help.

REally -- LOVELY, though! My site is supposed to be almost done and I'm not really digging it stylistically. Boo.
Your store is lovely Maggie. I particularly like the peek-a-boo thumbnail photos. They are perfect, showing just enough amazing detail that the viewer must click through to see more.

So many times I wanted to do something similar on ebay (gallery) but that is just not the right venue.

Congratulations on your very fine new beginning! :drinkingtoast:
It's lovely, Maggie! The only thing which was tricky for me was the same as Kristine mentioned, the white coloring of the font, I use Mozilla Firefox as well.

The sneak peeks at everything made me want to look!

All the best with the new site, Maggie, here's hoping oodles of sales come your way!:drinkingtoast:
Thank you, thank you! I owe quite a lot to the VFG members who have helped me with items for sale, pricing, ideas re/ websites. *sniff* Where would I be without you?!

I am taking into account the difficulty of reading the white on pink and think I will darken the pink slightly. This I think I can do!