New with Questions


Registered Guest
Hi all!

I've been casually interested in vintage fashion for a while, but I'd really like to start learning more and this seems like a great place to start :)

I also wanted to ask what people recommend in terms of determining whether a vintage designer item is authentic before buying on Etsy (or elsewhere online). I know you don't authenticate here, so that's not what I'm asking. Up to this point, I've just been using my own judgement, and if I was wrong, nothing I've bought was expensive enough to worry about it. But I'm thinking about buying a dress that's pricey enough that it matters. How do you approach a situation where you can't see the item in person?
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Hello and welcome.

The more time you spend and experience you get the more you learn. Not just about designers but how to accurately date items without being fooled by what looks like it's from one era but is really from another, about construction, fabrics, and about the timelines of vintage fashion.

Hands on experience is always the best to learn what is real and what is not however we all constantly learn everyday by resources that we can look at and read that will provide us with the answers we seek.

On our home page we have many different resources that can aid as guides to help you learn the information within and we also offer information about fashion history. We continue updating all as often as possible and we all continue to learn day by day.

You can also ask us questions in our Q&A forum anytime you are unsure about what you have, not to authenticate designers but we can help you determine age, fabric, types of garments, and answer other vintage fashion questions you may have.

The following link will be of great help to you. It will show you how to find our resources and it will give you detailed instructions about how to post and upload images in our Q&A forums.
