No Pictures, just one happy fashion lover!


Yesterday I went to a nearby city to an antiques show and to hit the antiques stores in the area. I found 17 vintage fashion magazines in 3 different stores. 9 Vogues -30s and 40s, 1 1937 Bazaar, 4 1950s Seventeens, 2 60s Brides and a Charm from 1957. So I'll be a bit busy this afternoon!


I want to come over and dump em all on the floor and read em with a big bowl of popcorn in front of me like a teenager. ( "era apropriate" one ) lol :)
I was just saying to dh yesterday that I never find any vintage fashion mags!!! I am extremely jealous and wish I could be sitting next to you on the couch ooohhing and aaahing over the great fashions!!
If you managed to get through all those fun mags in one afternoon, the afternoons must be very long at your house...

Congrats on some fun finds.

Wow! Deep reading ahead...

An academic library of my acquaintance has piles of 20s and 30s Vogues taped up in boxes, ready to be disposed of (they're not going to be accessioned/catalogued). I'm desperate to know what they're going to do with them. I'd volunteer to carry them away one by one on the bus!
Just got my book you recommended, Lizzie, so I will have some fun reading time!!
and speaking of new magazines....

I absolutely 110% love my new library edition from you lizzie of the 1937 Brides Magazine!!!

Today is swealter heat.... so I'll be cooly reading at my desk!

Thank you so very very much!! :bouncy::USETHUMBUP:
I saw that with the sold are so crafty barbara for snapping that up.

You could frame it when you weren't reading it if the frame was thick enough. I think that would be kinda neat.