No vintage - just fun

I rode with a friend of mine yesterday on a women's ride to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Hospital.

We had (almost) perfect weather, great gals, and with only 34 bikes in the run managed to raise almost $3000 for St. Jude's~

This is a picture of me (on my new ride on the right) and my friend Stacey. She and I were partners during our instructor certification class for MSF last September. We ROCKED as a teaching team and hopefully when we each gain more experience will be scheduled to teach a rider class together. The second pic is as close to a group shot as I could get at one of the gas stops along the way.



Just had to share!
How FUN! and what a great bike!

and a great cause. St. Jude/ Alsac is one of the few "large" charities i will support.

10 years ago, they flew my uncle, aunt & nephew to St. Judes, treated him for a year, and they didnt have to pay a penny. not even for lodging. they are so wonderful. And nephew got almost 2 more years from all their help and lukemia treatment. Sadly, he passed away at 12, but at least got some extra time.

So our family personally "benefited" from them, they are an incredible hospital.. What a wonderful thing you did Sharon, and looks like you had perfect weather and a great time!

Von, I'm so sorry for your nephew and his parents.

St. Jude has a permanent place in my heart for many reasons, but the biggest one was 8 years ago. We dodged a bullet with my then 4 year old son. Thirteen of the worst days of my life. Turned out okay, but you never forget that fear that causes your entire body to go cold.

The families of kids who go through this ~ words escape me~

I feel kind of guilty having such a great time, KWIM? :embaressed:
Yea for St. Jude - what a good place, particularly with today's health bills.

It seems as if quite a few of the vintage gals here are "into" motorcycles. I had one in my youth as well. Hmmm... wonder if there is some correlation.