not clothing, but vintage, is this a perfume vial and dauber??

The Vintage Merchant

Staff member
I know its not clothing, but am having a difficult time identifying this, and since we have so many different sorts of vintage experts here, I thought perhaps someone could confirm/correct me on this...


believe it is a perfume vial?? and dauber maybe??

thought it might've been for snuff, but its a straight cylinder rather than any sort of spoon-ish sort of end on it...

and date-wise?? :help: anybody??

thanks in advance!
Originally posted by poppysvintageclothing
I'm wondering if it might not be for kohl around the eyes?

ooooo! that sounds so very much more exotic!!!

could it be??
It looks like a chatelaine perfume bottle. Maybe silver plated. It's quite simply engraved and would likely be attached to a chain along with keys, scissors a thimble, watch etc and worn by a housekeeper or domestic.
I have a perfume vial from Nepal, not vintage (well it is about 20 years old), of similar construction, with a similar dauber, and a chain for hanging round the neck. (it's not similar style-wise). I remember being told it was for a more solid perfume, like an unguent rather than a liquid.
My mom collects vintage powder compacts, carry-alls etc. and I've looked through tons of books in these kinds of things at home, but I can't remember seeing anything like this little bottle.

But... I have something here that sounds like what you're talking about, GoldenAge. A friend gave it to me, and I always thought that it probably came from Asia.

Originally posted by Midge

But... I have something here that sounds like what you're talking about, GoldenAge. A friend gave it to me, and I always thought that it probably came from Asia.


Sorry for delay, I've been away. Yes, that is very very similar to my Nepalese one, almost identical in style.