Not fashion, but vintage - 45s?


VFG Member
The thrift store where I work once a week got in a mess of 45's. Naturally they are all missing their jackets, which makes them far less valuable, but I know that some labels are sought after ... and artists ... Does anyone have a site suggestion for me to check out what I have. I'll probably just sell the ones I pulled as a lot, but I want to use the right words for keywords.
There are guys who just know about this stuff... But having original dust jacket is key.... I used to buy lots of them at garage sales much of them being valueless....

I never go near 45's anymore they give me a headache..... Though if I had a record player they would be hoot to play....

I have approximately 250,000 jazz 78s, and thousands and thousands and thousands of 33s in my basement. My new washer and dryer are sitting in a garage because it's impossible to move anything that large in or out. I'm not making this up.
OMG, Maryalice, I worship you! What priorities! I have tons of crisp old 78s because my father was a Dixieland and Swing jazz trombonist, and he collected all these.

What do you do with them, besides chasing out the washer?
I grew up with them too, and our joke is that they're my BF is a musician and record collector. It's a combination of the two collections. When the Martin Scorsese jazz series was on PBS, my sister and I hummed along; there wasn't a piece on it that we hadn't heard about a million times. We called it the soundtrack of our lives. Dad's thing was trad jazz, big bands and dixieland, but he also had hi fi demo records (hear the train travel across the room from speaker to speaker) and weirdnesses like Yma Sumac and Martin Denny. Dad DIDN'T play, except a bit of barrelhouse piano for his own amusement...but loved music and musicians. I saw him cry twice just twice....when FDR died, and when Fats Waller died.

Paul, the BF, shuffles and sorts them, and occasionally plays them, but mostly they're just THERE...
My DH looks at 45s sometimes and when I've asked him what to look for he says he always looks for smaller early labels - the only one I can name is "Event Records" which was out of Westbrook, Maine. I seem to recall a website or book that has lots of early New England labels, but my brain and my google-fu fail me.

Martin Denny!!! :love008::love008::love008:


i LUV his stuff!!! :wub:

AND, years ago, we handled some of his wife's things at a consignment shop (in HNL at that time).

but, back to 45s: i find that handling vintage records for resale is a pain in the backside. collecting them is a whole nother thing, though, isn't it?!!!