Now What Costume Could This Sexy Nightgown Be?


VFG Member
VFG Past President
Frederick's of Hollywood. It is not entirely see through in the places that need to be covered so I think it could even be worn as an evening gown.

So, help me think of a good title for a costume. Oh, and do you think it might be vintage 80s?? I believe it is made of a poly/lycra.

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Someone very brazen might wear this as a strip teaser????
I started to say I couldn't think of anything but I just thought of that! hehehe
Guys, I listed it last night as a vamp temptress or Lady in Red. I found this 80s song that I use to love.

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If it doesn't sell this way, I am going with Sue's idea of trailer park wife wearing it to entertain in, trying to be sophisticated serving cheap grocery store wine and velveeta cheese cut in cubes on a paper plate.:hysterical:

I laughed so hard at Sue's idea that I had tears.......

I could so easily picture that in my head with Peggy from Married with Children wearing that dress and doing the serving......:horny::D