Often of the most frequent questions a cross dresser receives from people in general is about "Do


Registered Guest
Often of the most frequent questions a cross dresser receives from people in general is about "Do you go out dresses up a women?", I have always said No in reply to this becuse I have never done so, althought a few closer or trusted people have seen me dressed up, I can still count these people on the finger of one hand.

I have always maintained that I have no interest in just going out wearing ladies fashions or clothes to be honest I can not really see the point in doing this although I accept others do. .
Privately I have often said to people that if I ever felt that I did get to the point where I felt people would judged me more on my style of clothes I wore than who or why I was wearing them then most likely I would consider going out occasionally in public.

I leave you to be the judge,
Tthis is what I wore a couple of weeks ago as I waked into Marks and Spencer with a female friend looking for a new top for myself, I also when into a few other well know shops in my local town.
When I did finally choose a new top one young assistant asked my if I wanted to try it on in their fitting room, although I politely declined it was a very nice thing for her to ask my.
I like you in '60s styles, I think they work well for your figure - and you get to show off your legs!

A good sales assistant will serve you without judgement. I've served many cross dressers over the years and I like to make them feel comfortable - after all, we all love dresses!
Loving those boots on you Pauline, they suit you well. I think you look fab. :USETHUMBUP:
Thank you Rita,
That was several months ago and since then I been working hard with a image consultant to create my own unique personal style .
what can I say but this is what we have come you with, I xdo hope you like it as much as I do.
I do like it Pauline, especially those heels on the left, think rounded toes are so much sexier and stylish. This is a great look for you, the skirt length shows off your legs nicely especially in the taupe stockings. The important thing is that you're comfortable enough with this look to wear it out. Not all people are judgmental, screw the ones that are, life's too bloody short to care about what narrow (and usually feeble) minds think. You rock it Pauline!