Oh Harriet.....


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Oh Harriet...:wub:

As of 11:00 EST Wednesday night or as of 4:00 AM GMT Thursday morning, you were (are) officially the poster of the day. You beat me!!! You had posted more than me.

Only Maureen has ever bumped me off of being the biggest motor mouth/marathon typist. and that was once! At least since the start of 2005.

So here's to Harriet
a rare feat, even though a silly and slightly meaningless honor, but wear the "star for the day" crown made out of construction paper with pride! Watch out Maureen...here she comes...

(here's your theme music...)

hee hee hee
OMG! how did i manage that! surely i don't talk that much! heehee;)

ah well, i'm away over the weekend chris so you can easily reclaim your crown.. but i have sorted out lots and lots of label pics for when i get back...