Oh The Weather Outside is Frightful


VFG Member
Here in SW Virginia we have been dumped on. 12-15 inches so far with more coming. It's a beautiful snow.

These pics were made yesterday at 3pm and it has snowed all night.

<img src=http://app6.sellersourcebook.com/users/20606/snow1.jpg>

<img src=http://app6.sellersourcebook.com/users/20606/snow2.jpg>

Gorgeous photos! :wub: It's snowing here too and freezing cold but nothing compared to what you're experiencing. Life in the UK would come to a complete stand-still if it ever snowed 12 inches!
Well life in SW VA has come to a complete standstill. This is very rare for our area. Used to happen a lot when I was a kid but over the years our winter weather has gotten warmer.....until today.
Lovely scenic pictures! I want to see your snowman next! :)

I'm just down the road from Louise, and I agree completely with the general inability to cope with even a couple of inches of snow over here in the UK!

Chris, We must be neighbors! I'm in WNC, near Asheville.

We were forecast to get 4" and it finally stopped at about 18! My power has been off for 24 hours and just came back on about an hour ago.

Like Chris said, this corner of the South is not used to snows of this type. The last time it snowed like this my mother was still alive and she died in 1999. So 11 or 12 years.

But in 1993, we had a March snow with 3+ FEET! This place was crippled for 2 weeks.

Unless it warms up, we will be in sad shape all next week. We did manage to get out today, but we had to check on MIL. Besides, she had heat and hot food!

Stay warm, y'all!
How I remember that storm in 1993. The day before I had just rescued my little kitten Cupcake, not knowing the storm was coming. She would have died if I had waited one more day. We had like 3 feet of snow and after about 3 days I WALKED to the convenience store for chocolate.

Yes Lizzy I am near the NC border. I think I'm about 3 hours away from Asheville.

This morning, after the snow:

<img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2730/4198790780_d4e3b6eb03.jpg>

<img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2564/4198036795_dde88446d5.jpg>

<img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2588/4198790682_37e17eab78.jpg>

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<img src=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2487/4198790868_3863e3f4c8.jpg>
We're getting slammed here in Boston now. It's coming down at about 1" per hour or more and the wind is causing blizzard conditions. You can normally see the ocean from this door. Not today.
