Okay, Let's Play..Name That Costume..


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VFG Past President
Okay, Let\'s Play..Name That Costume..

I have three costumes..and they really are costumes...don't know whether they are vintage but possibly could be 80s. They are not your cheap costumes you would buy at Walmart with that thin material. They are a nice spandex material. Maybe were used for dance costumes???

First one, I was confused about. It has a feather accessory that I had no idea how to show. It is big enough (and stretchy) to wear around the waist. This is the only one that has a label, other than a size tag. So, what should this one be??

<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/greendance.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>
<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/greendance8.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>
<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/greendance2.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>
<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/greendance6.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>

Now, the next one I think would be a saloon girl or showgirl. What do you think?

<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/redsaloongirl2.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>
<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/redsaloongirl8.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>

The last one is a stretchy velvet type material and has sheer inserts. Also, that little fringe skirt is separate. Majorette? Ice Skater????

<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/redvelvetdance3.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>

Thanks so much for your help!:wub:
First one - ice skater or more so that lady at the circus who is on the trapeze or does the gymnastics on the back of a running pony, etc

I see "fredericks of hollywood presents the naughty flamenco dancer" in the second one. I would say maybe "cigarette girl??"

the last one definitely ice skating or majorette.
I thought majorette when I saw the first and last one, though the last could definitely be ice skater, too.
Great costumes!

The 1st one looks like Vegas revue showgirl to me--a la "Folies Bergere"; the 2nd "Saloon Sal" (a la Madeline Kahn in Blazing Saddles as Lili Von Shtupp); the last ice skating or majorette, but I think more of ice skating....
Originally posted by vintageclothesline
Can I put Dorothy Hamill (sp?) in the last one or another famous ice skater or do they let you do that??

I don't know if it's allowed or not.

My first thought after "ice skater" on the third one was "Tonya Harding," but then I thought maybe that's too old to be relevant now.

The last one does have a little fringed skirt and sheer top front and back bodice and long sleeves. Think I will go with ice skater since I found this pic of Dorothy Hamill.

<IMG SRC="http://www.ssb4.net/users/11057/dorothyhamill2b.jpg" BORDER=0 >

Whatcha think?
you know what though - if i am reading it right the last one has those flame things strategically covering the bust area with a more transparent red mesh across the shoulders (probably more apparent when someone a size bigger than the manni wears it). I think the style would not be wholesome enough for Dorothy.