Older Dresses ? - Part 2

This one is in better shape but has a large hunk of tulle missing from bottom in back. Am also wondering if you think there is any way to bring the flowers at neckline back to life? Steam?

Side metal snaps. Do I have this on manni correctly? The gathering the back seems in a strange location but the flowers were making me think they went in front. I have snaps on left side.

Again - thank you for any thoughts.




Definitely earlier. I would say early to mid 30s. Steaming the flowers should help, but be careful not to let your steamer spit on that satin!
I think the other ladies are right: try the flowers on the back and see how it sits. It's not as common but some dresses do have snaps on the right (for a left handed wearer). Actually, looking at the close up of the side opening, the right is folded slightly over the left, which suggests that it should be on the way around.

Agree with early '30s for a date. It's beautiful! Steaming will restore the flowers.

I am not sure about the front/back question. The smocked panel is at an awkward place no matter what. And the raised line of the hip yoke as shown at the front may look very strange across the back.

I'd give it a try through. If the hem seems raised at the back rather than the front, that will be a good clue. If dips anywhere, it would be the back.

Early 1930's. You have the dress shown correctly in the first photo. I can see two bust darts either side of the flowers. The ruching effect at the back was a common feature. Very nice piece.
You could also lay the garment flat on the floor and measure the fabric at the bust line on both sides, the front should have more to accomodate the bust., the flower side looks a little flat to me for that.