Older Dresses - Part 3

Okay, last one. Thank you for your patience.

I am wondering on this 1 if you think the original underskirt has been cut or would it have been this short to begin with? No labels again - side metal snaps.

This one won't come close to fitting on manni no matter what way I try. Sorry for awful photos - hope you can get the idea.

A final HUGE thank you!



I will try to post better photos when I (hopefully) have some sunlight tomorrow. If you look closely you can see where the underskirt is quite short...that is what makes me wonder if it was cut.

Oh - also has a very thin self-fabric snap belt. Belt is probably a strong word for it but you get idea.
I agree that the underskirt was cut - it may have become damaged and so was removed. Wearing a slip will duplicate it's function.

Agree with '30s - and the lace looks like it might be battenburg. Good day at the thrifts! Well done Maureen.

Additional Photos

Thanks Nicole - it isn't often that I find much at thirfts so felt quite lucky. My mother in law was with me for first time because she wants to learn about vintage. She was the one who found the group of clothing. I think she now has a pretty skewed idea of thinking that it is a cakewalk to fnd items. I tried to explain this was complete anomoly and that you can go weeks without finding a single really good item but I don't think I made my point. Will take her out again today - I am betting she will feel differently by end of day! :)
Originally posted by msgrossmyer
I think she now has a pretty skewed idea of thinking that it is a cakewalk to fnd items. I tried to explain this was complete anomoly and that you can go weeks without finding a single really good item...

Oh, no, I think you should encourage the cakewalk idea! Firstly, she could be a lucky thrifter and secondly, if she thinks the charity shops are full of good things she will do lots of shopping for you! Don't discourage her: she's making your life easier :horny:

I agree - mid 30s. Sometimes the hem panel of the slip was a different fabric to match the dress or a better quality to be visible in motion. And often these panels were ripped by heels or just deteriorated. It may have been cut off, or simply removed.
