Olympic Uniforms


VFG Member
I remember watching a ski jump competition in Switzerland in the 60’s and as the men flew overhead you could hear the flap flap flap of their clothes in the wind.


Of course that doesn’t happen with today’s sleek outfits.

I have a friend who was in the Olympics in the 70’s and we were commenting on the 2010 snow boarders’ uniforms (she said they looked like pajamas.) Burton designed the US faux distressed jeans. Actually they are made of two layers of Gortex, so they are softer and water proof.


The 2010 Winter Olympic ceremonial team uniforms were designed by Ralph Lauren, and some members of the DAR threatened to ban Polo merchandise from being sold in various country clubs because of the the lack of stars and stripes.


The freestyle ski and bobsled uniforms, both designed by Under Armour®, are said to be inspired by stuntman's Evel Knievel's aesthetic . The DAR must have been thrilled.


You have to give the Norwegian curling team credit for having fun with their uniforms.

funny about RL as he has used red, white and blue and stars and stripes heavily in his past collections; i'd think for the olympics he'd have included more (tastefully, of course) as well.

this is GREAT blog fodder!!

those curling pants are hilarious!
WHy is there such a fixation on the use of stars and stripes in the US? I know its part of the flag but its just a motif... There is nothing I hate more than seeing red and white with big maple leaves stuck all over the place on Canadian uniforma - HOW ORIGINAL! (he said sarcastically). I would like to think there are many ways to express national identity other than slathering the flag over everything. Poor Sweden, they have that dreadful yellow and blue combination all the time in their uniforms. Not exactly flattering colours on pale skinned blondes!
The Swiss skiing outfits are kinda fun this year. They look like giant candy canes. But I think those curling pants are hard to beat.
Shaun White...reminds me so much of my HS boyfriend. Gawd he's so dreamy with that hair and those baggy britches. Weird, right?

I can't be the only one who actually like the Norwegian's pants. :hiya:
You know - the uniforms may be not so fashionable but in these cases I think they serve another purpose - just like how jockey silks help a lot when watching a horse race, it helps identify the athletes, especially if you are a spectator. I forget what year it was - but one year I had to say "what country are they from?" because some of the outfits were too similar to another country. I think the louder uniforms come with the sports where they are created for aerodynamicness - like skiiing, etc. Heck - i say bring on the loud and tacky when I am walking from room to room and can id what country is up next out of the corner of my eye :) lame opinion, huh?

Btw, the ski uniform a la evel knieval makes me think its something Captain America would have chosen. I agree about the Curling Team - those are fun.