One more dress


Registered Guest
It's a knit dress, and it looks 60s to me, but I don't know if I should be more specific than that (or if you all can help me narrow it down any more). Again, no tags. Also, one of the main reasons I'm posting about this dress is that I found the exact same dress being sold in an etsy shop--is it unusual to find someone with the same vintage item?

(One detail you can't see in my picture is that it has ruffles at the end of the sleeves.)

P.S. I just wanted to say that I'm learning a lot not only from replies to my posts but from reading all the threads in this forum. So, thanks!
I had a babysitter who wore dresses like this. That would put this at 67ish. Oh, and she had hair down to her butt, possibly longer than her hemline. So cool!
Thanks for the confirmation and additional info!

And I'm still wondering if it's strange that I found an etsy seller with the same item. If anyone has any insight into that issue, I would appreciate it--maybe it was a dress produced for a large department store?
Post WW2 many garments were mass produced - by the time the '60s came around there were a lot of them. It's hard to tell from your pic, but it may be a commerically made dress that has had it's tags removed - or perhaps the pattern was made up in the same fabric by a dressmaker. In any case, it's not uncommon.

I can count on two hands the number of times I've seen the same '50s dress but I've seen the same '60s dress much more often, and '70s dress even more. It's a numbers game.
