Oscar de la Renta Dress - 80s or 90s?


Registered Guest
Hello all :)

Not really sure about this dress - I'll post the label. I didn't see any similar labels on the resource page. Any thoughts on the dating?
Yeah, i did think the China thing might be a bad sign... :) Although I know some 80s (I know most people don't consider that vintage, but I do sell 80s under vintage sometimes) were made in China. I have no idea what to sell this dress for. They seem very expensive (Oscar dresses), but the label is studio so I don't know if that is a lower end side or?
Someone (was it Jonathan?) recently said that fashions started to be made in China in 1990 so maybe the "80s" styles you've seen are early '90s, after all the '80s didn't really end until about '92 when the shoulder pads had to be wrenched away from reluctant narrow shouldered women.

Cute and girly party frock.
