Oscar Night at the VFG ~ You are Invited!


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Get your "red carpet" strut perfected fashion mavens and get ready for the VFG Oscar Night party!!

This is your exclusive invitation!

Turn on the set, and log in to this very place where you can dish with others on the fashions of the stars, all the way through the "morning after reaction." Move over Joan and Melissa!! It will be a live party...

Details to come soon!!

In the meantime,

To get in the mood, remember to check out the February Vintage Themed Auction - The Red Carpet!

...and the Vintage Fashion Guild Red Carpet Showcase


Pre party Oscar talk

Well nuts! I don't have a tv near my computer but I suppose I can run back and forth. Do you suppose Brad will be there? I wonder if he needs a date? I sure hope he doesn't wait until the last minute to call me! I'll need enough time for my all-body lipo suction. Men!!

You can live vicariously and attend our party - I am sure you will get a detailed interpretation! And maybe there will be a website that has up to the minute photos.
I've been invited to an Oscar Party at a girlfriends, so I won't be able to check in until the next morning... but I'll be here with bells on!

I'm so excited about the party since she's having an Oscar pool for money. Woo-Hoo! Fashion & betting = lots of fun for me! hehehe!!
It's straight forward with a ballot choosing:

Best Picture
Best Actor & Actress
Best Supporting Actor & Actress
Best Director

The one who gets the most right wins the pot!
Someone's bound to wear something outrarageous. I still have not seen anything quite like Bjork's swan dress since she wore it a few years back.