OT-black eyed peas


VFG Member
I should have posted this yesterday so you could purchase your black-eyed peas. When I was growing up in so. GA, we always had black-eyed peas and hog jowl--a lean meat from the hog's jaw--for new year's dinner to bring good luck. And, if you aren't familiar with the south, dinner is the mid-meal; supper is at night.

Apparently, too few people had black-eyed peas last year so I would encourage all of you to eat some today with the hope that it will bring peace and prosperity to all. Claire
It simply is not New Year's Day without black eyed peas. My MIL is in charge of tonight's supper of peas and collards. The peas symbolize coins, and the collards, green money, so you must have both!

MIL cooks the collards, then about 10 minutes before serving them, ladles a cornbread mixture on top. She calls it collard dumplings, and I'm telling you, this is a meal to die for. The dish is from the eastern part of NC where my FIL grew up, and where collards are commercially grown. My MIL says that recipe is the only decent thing she ever learned from her MIL!
No meat for me in my black eyed peas ! I just add salt, pepper, and olive oil when they are put into my bowl. Sweet raw onion is ok, too. A scoche.
I've been cleaning this morning, because I still have no Internet connection (driving me insane) plus I need to clear space. I have my peas to cook, and I wish I had some collard dumplings now too. Guess I will make rice and regular cornbread.

If anyone has suggestions, I have been with earthlink forever, via Verizon landline. I have DSL, or at least I used to. I am waiting for days now, for repair service, and of course today is a holiday. I don't trust Time Warner, and I'm not crazy about Verizon either, but maybe it would be simpler with Verizon as direct DSL ISP provider. I'm starting to panic, and can't even get a dial-up connection.
I put mine in some veg beef soup every year. At 65 cents a can, I'm willing to give it a whirl. Hey, if all it does is give you the toots, at least that's free heat. :USING:
My mother is from the Low Country so I grew up with Hoppin' John every new years. This year I made a huge vat of it and invited all our friends over to gorge themselves and bring us some good luck!