OT-Game to play with someone who has two broken wrists

A co-worker fell and broke BOTH wrists three weeks ago. She's married, with three young children. A neighbor has organized food, school/doctor appointment transportation. Toni's pain is under control now but she's bored stiff! Toni and I are not really close friends but we have previously gotten together a couple times outside of work. I'd like to stop by with my teen daughter to watch the kids and have some fun with Toni. I'm trying to think of a game she and I could play... something to do besides just sitting and talking. Toni cannot use her hands at all. It could be a game in which I help her during her turn, as long as that doesn't give me an advantage. Any ideas?
Hi Donna- - that's so awful.
Can you find an old school board game that uses a buzzer- its possible she could use her feet instead of her hands with a little practise.
I used to have this fabulous 1990s Music game- where you listened to a CD with sound bites of pop songs, and when the CD prompted you to answer a question related to the song- the 1st one on the buzzer got to answer. If someone can deal with CD side of things that sort of game could work for her.
I would also Google for disabled games, maybe there are other options out there?
I wish her all the best :)
How about 20 questions? This is surprisingly entertaining, I've found. I sometimes play it on car journeys.


It works with adults only, and is also something she could play with her kids.

There are probably similar, verbal, word games you could try.

Not a game, but does she have audio books? Someone can put one on for her, and leave it playing. Also the BBC Radio iPlayer, available internationally, has lots of drama. I always use that a lot when I'm ill and bored, but too ill to do much more than listen.