OT - pics of my visitors

We have lots of hoof prints in our yard, but today was the first time I saw this group of 4. They have made two visits to our yard today!! I live in a city of over 1million people, but near a wooded area that sees lots of deer activity as well as coyotes and enormous jackrabbits.

As I write they have just come through our street once again...watch out for the cars!!


Just outside my front door!



The young buck!
Wow, they sure do have a thick coat of fur in your neighborhood!! Ours get fluffy in the winter, but not quite that much! We've been lucky to build a 3" tall snowman these last few years, though.

They'll start getting really bold this time of year, as their summer fat is depleted and they've picked off any undergrowth and seeds. If it wouldn't anger people, you could throw out some feeder corn and you'd have a whole gaggle of them in no time. Of course, they'll still come in the summer and eat your flowers.
They do a nice job of fertilizing our yard. Unfortunately it is really green only in round patches! The Bird Lady puts out seeds for the feathered variety and that is exactly where they are headed in the pics.