OT~Salt & Pepper Shakers~Does this Pattern have a name?


VFG Member
VFG Past President
I know they are vintage and they are marked with Japan stickers on the bottom. Think I have a partial set of these somewhere. Does the pattern have a name?


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MMM.. it looks familiar to me too...kinda folksy l think it late 60s early 70s'' knida goe swith all the ehssian fabric wallpaper...etc l could looki it up in a book, BUT...its still packed!!

i'm thinkin they are probably in response to the wildly popular California line, which was probably knocking off a Portuguese hand painted line... uh

crap, total brain fart here right now...

apple??? uhm, oh URGH!!!! i'm thinking the wild rose pattern was at the same time... hang on...

btw, typically, replacements.com is a great source for identifying patterns...
Mary, you are too funny. Doesn't that just get you when you just don't know how to search. Where did you find that info?

I did email Replacements and sent a pic but haven't heard back from.

I have a Franciscan set of dishes I just love but cannot remember the name of it either. :duh:
Doesn't that just get you when you just don't know how to search.

searching online is easy, it is searching in my brain that gets difficult sometimes...

Where did you find that info?

if you search Franciscan apple there (at Replacements) you'll see various pieces, plates, etc. if you click on one of the pieces, it should pull up a list of available items and suggested pricing, as well as a bit of background info on the manufacturer, IF they have that information to begin with.

neat set of shakers, Linda; we've found similar, typically priced anywhere from $5 set (very low) to 15 more average, but up to $25.
Linda, several American manufacturers had patterns similar to this, Blue Ridge for one, in addition to the Franciscan line. But I don't think this is an identical copy.... didn't look it up, though, am just going by memory, so could be wrong. It also reminds one of the Italian hand-painted ware that was popular many years ago. I collect that, and the "look" on this is similar. Very cute set--I love this kitchen kitsch stuff!