OT: Weather... Rain, Rain, Go Away... PLEASE!


VFG Member
Anyone else getting this infernal, eternal rain? It's been raining here in south-central PA for almost 24 hours straight, and getting worse instead of better. If it gets to below freezing tonight or early tomorrow a.m, which is a possibility, it will be a hellish mess here. And considering that our officials have no clue on how to treat and care for roads in the winter (they need to go up to Buffalo for a seminar....) and that people here do not know how to drive in snow and/or ice, I hope to hell my kids have a delayed start to the school day. Don't want them on a bus or anywhere near a road during rush hour.

The last time it rained here like this was in Sept. of 1999, when the remnants of a big hurricane hit (can't for the life of me remember which hurricane it was, but it rained hard for three days straight; my son & I couldn't get back to NY when we'd planned).
You are getting the same storm that hit us here in NC. It has stopped for the present, but will pull in more moisture tomorrow, possibly in the form of snow. It's been a really yucky day, but we are desperate for rain so I can't complain TOO much!
It is still raining here in northeastern PA. Our schools were closed yesterday (Thursday) because of the fear of ice. My oldest just left now for the school bus. Rain rain go away!!
And just as I took my youngest to school we started getting an ice shower mixed with snow. Now the sun is trying to come out. Make up your mind already Mother Nature!
Looking at the weather last night...many areas are bracing for being hit with nasty stuff in one form or another.

We have a winter storm warning in effect with predictions of heavy snowfall (again) and tomorrow a temp of -17 Farenheit!!!

My hubby is smoking a whole pig tomorrow night for a catering gig. Don't know how we are going to keep the smoker going strong for 24 hours with such low temps??
I think we have got your rain. In london as well as the rest of the UK it has rained non stop and there are regional flood warnings. Oh....I wish I was somewhere hot, sunny and far!